-2 undercooked waffles
-1 cup of fried chicken
-4 Kraft Singles
-2 pats salted butter
-.5 tablespoon honey
-.5 tablespoon hot sauce
So before we begin, let me stress that it's super important that your waffles are undercooked. If they're not they'll end up burning too quickly before the cheese melts and then you'll hate life more than you already do. Trust me.
Ok, so to begin, slap two Kraft singles down onto one of the waffles. Easy, right? See, I do care about you.
Then it's time for the life-saving ingredient - FRIED CHICKEN. I think little nuggets work best on this sandwich but you could totally just use chicken fingers or whatever you have on hand. Just don't use anything with bones on it. That sounds like an awful idea.
When it's all evenly laid out and you're about to chow down on one too many "tastes" of the fried chicken, then it's time to mix the hot sauce and honey together. This is my all time favorite condiment on fried chicken. It's so good. Sweet and spicy and oh so sticky. Smothering it on at this step helps the sandwich stay together so you can eat it when your fine motor skills aren't working so fine.
Now put the other two Kraft singles on top and you're almost done! I know some of you might be saying to yourself "Kraft Singles, WTF? That's not real cheese. What is this nut thinking?" But believe me, Kraft singles melt perfectly and for some reason their artificiality makes this sandwich even better. Actually, do preservatives soak up toxins??
Once this little sammie is built, it's time to heat up the grill. Turn your burner to medium and melt a pat of butter right in the pan. Place the GC on top and let it cook until it gets all crispy and golden and melty and delicious and irresistible. Yes, a sandwich can most-definitely be irresistible.
After grilling for about 4-6 minutes on each side, this bad boy will be all done and will anxiously be waiting to be shoved down your gullet and into your belly. I'd let it rest for a second to let those preservatives in the Kraft singles firm back up into scrumptious artificial cheese goo.
And that's it. Simple, easy, and hell-a good. So whether you make this sandwich for yourself or for someone who probably should visit the hospital to get an IV drip, it's going to be fulfilling, rejuvenating, and
utterly dank-licious. You can even grind up some painkillers and sprinkle it on top for a powdered sugar effect but that's probably a bad/extremely disgusting idea so don't do that. The ideas cool though.
waah hello heart attack
gluten free beer
Try to catch those pesky tzatziki drips with a napkin – we know how painstaking it is but persevere and try not to throw the unruly pitta at an unsuspecting passer-by or one of your mates.
I juѕt retωeeted this "The Bushwick Painkiller".
Here is my page - Halloween Games online
Oh my Lord!! I can't even lie, I went out and bought a waffle iron for the sole purpose of having fresh waffles so that I could make this sandwich. It is absolutely a.may.zing! I won't be making it often because my waist-line will hate me, but for a special treat, this will be one of my top "go to's". Yum!
LOVE the site, LOVE LOVE your recipes.
And I figured you'd love this article, given your love o' the Tillamook.
You are soooo funny but factual at the same damn time!!!!
Skylar Magazine
Yep! I know all about this! Hangovers get worse the older you get. I found an herb that you have to get online, but totally worth it, and that with a cup of coffee takes the hangover away in less than an hour! It's awesome! If you want to know more about it let me know. I haven't had a massive hangover in over a year! I'm 34, and don't go out as much as I use to, because my friends all have kids and stuff, so I don't drink often and that's why the hangovers are so bad. I use to party so much back in the day, I built a tolerance to it, but now that I don't drink as much and don't have a tolerance, the hangovers would be killer if it weren't for that herb! It is definitely my go-to hangover cure!
WOW! you are like the cheese queen! Love all your ideas!
It looks so real you take snaps very clearly thanks for nice Pictures !
Senja Berita
nice post ..
really very nice your post