[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDFpiJGHChE[/embedyt]
Omg y'all, did you know that today is National Sandwich Day?! If this isn't one of the best, most tastiest holidays around, then I don't know what is. And as you already know, I'm probably one of the biggest bread, butter and cheese advocates out there, so I think it's safe to say that there's not a more iconic American lunchtime staple than a sandwich - Ammi'right?!
To help get the word out about National Sandwich Day, I teamed up with my cheesy buddies at Lance Foods to make this super fun video. I had a blast walking around my hometown of sunny New Smyrna Beach, FL, to interview people about their sandwich love!
So with that being said, what do you think makes a sandwich a sandwich? Is a burrito a sandwich? How about a hot dog or a sushi roll? I personally agree with Lance's philosophy which simplifies it to two awesomes on the outside with an incredible in the middle.
Whether it's one of my crispy, creamy grilled cheese sandwiches, a fully loaded tasty six foot party sub, or a pack of the cutest little cheddar and peanut butter cracker sandwiches you've ever seen, I think we can all agree that sandwiches totally rule!
Say it with me now... THIS IS HOW WE SANDWICH!!!