I just spent four dollars on ONE tomato. Yep, I have a problem. I think I could have probably gotten this entire sandwich for that much money somewhere else, but nope, I had to get the biggest, most beautiful heirloom tomato from union square. And it was totally worth it. So basically after buying this tomato I decided I had to do a grilled cheese around it and I thought what better than the all time Italian classic - the caprese.
So there's a lot of ingredients that go into this one, but I promise it makes it reeeealllly good.
- 2 tbs hot pepper infused olive oil
- 1 ts garlic salt
- 2 pieces of olive oil & garlic ciabatta
- 1 clove of garlic
- mozerella (amount dependent on bread size)
- ½ tbs balsamic glaze
- 3 big basil leaves
- 1 heirloom tomato (or more)
So the first thing you'll want to do is to sprinkle the garlic salt onto the mozzarella. I think it makes the mozzarella much tastier and my mom did it when I was little so I think it's the right way.
Now you can lay half the cheese onto one of the slices of bread. Make sure to slice the cheese so it fits onto the bread without any of it hanging off.
Then slice that beaut of a tomato and lay it down on top of that. Eat the rest of the tomato with salt and pepper and enjoy.
Next drizzle some balsamic glaze on the tomato. The balsamic not only tastes delcious and balances out the saltiness of the cheese, but it also functions as a glue for the basil, which is the next step.
At this point you'll want to julienne the basil and sprinkle it on top of the mater.
Now put the remaining cheese on top!
Almost done, almost done, almost done! bread time!
After about a minute and a half it should be golden brown. When it gets all pretty like that, drizzle the remaining olive oil and flip it. Be careful because when mozzarella melts, it's that not sticky and there's a lot of stuff on this guy so stuff might fall out. If it does, REMAIN CALM, just take everything back to your cutting board and reassemble, but don't burn yourself.
Yum, that, my friends, is a beautiful Striped German tomato, if I'm not mistaken. Yummy. Have had those in the garden the past 3 years.
h and b
wow this looks delicious and so does your blog, you are doing an amazing job. very inspirational and very appetizing!
h&b xo
What KIND of "heirloom" tomato? That just describes any tomato from old variety seed - there are hundreds. $4 is egregious! Just grow your own inside.
Marry Me!
could you try an oriental themed grilled cheese?
Matt Kay
I agree with the others. This is awesome. You've combined two classics. This one is an easy one for me since I keep a squeeze bottle of homemade balsamic reduction in the fridge at all times.
Great photos too!
Matt Kay
Your site is ingenious. I've been drooling this whole time, and I'm about to try out a recipe myself.
You could easily open a restaurant around your creations. "The Grilled Cheese Co." I'd eat there 🙂
alina noval
i swear we are making this. its easy and looks to die for I commend you on all your wonderful skills
this is the prettiest sandwich i have ever laid eyes on. come home and recreate it for meeee.
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i'm pretty sure this is the most awesome blog ever to exist in the world.
the world.