What happens when you round up 50 of the country's best cheesemongers in a cold store unit in Long Island City with unlimited cheese, booze, and dance music? The Cheesemonger Invitational - that's what. It happened last night and it was probably the best night of my whole entire life. There were spliffs being passed around, a whole hog bbq, endless Sixpoint beers (my fav!), fountains and pots of melting cheese, and a mother effin' dance party. Seriously, what could you not like about that? ... Um nothing, duh.
The event started off with some Wu-Tang, and well, I got to thinking " Hmmmm, why aren't there more wu-tang cheese puns and why don't I own a shirt of one of these??" So this morning when I woke up, I followed through with my ideas and made some things that I think you guys will like. Here ya go...
K, so let's get to the CMI pics!
The CMI starts with the first round of the monger's competition - crafting the perfect bite. This one was by Halley Zelicoff and featured Handmade Hazelnut Cracker topped with Chiriboga Blue, Rhododendron Honey, and Edible Flowers. Very, very good and very beautiful.
There were about a million more, but these two were the most stunning to me. I'm not too sure which one this one was but I think it's by Laura Chenel's ash-rinded buchette canape on freeze-dried strawberries with mint and graham cracker crumble. If you were there, let me know! I think I was too busy stuffing my face to remember.
And then this happened... within minutes. Ultimate sadface.
After speed-eating approximately 40 bites, not realizing they were running out :(, I ran into Andy Hatch, the HCMIC (Head Cheese Maker In Charge) of Uplands - who made the Pleasant Ridge Reserve cheese that I used in my last pop-up at Underground Butcher. he's great and I loved his shirt - THE FDA CAN SUCK IT! And I believe you can get the shirt from the peeps at The Cellars of Jasper Hill.
Then I made Andy Hatch, Gabe Goodlett (of Sweetgrass Dairy), and Joanna Miller (Wisconsin Cheese) pose for a picture with me. Hah. Yeah, I'm totally faded in this pic. Shit.
And I know this pic is terrifying, but there was a whole hog bbq and getting down on some serious cheek meat was probably one of my favorite parts of the night. I felt ill I ate so much.
They had all these amazing raclette melters and this babe would basically just heat up the cheese, and then smear it on top of your amuse-bouche which consisted of pickles, sausage, bread, grapes, and hmm I think that's it.
This is what I was talking about in the last caption. It may look a little gross, but it wasn't... like at all.
All I have to say for this one is FON-DO ME.
I love this pic because it kind of sums up the CMI. I mean honestly, what other party have you been to where someone has a giant platter of expensive blue cheese and is trying to shove it in random peoples mouths. Totally my kind of party.
And lastly, here's a pic of me and Mr. Moo... He's the MC of the whole event and without him, it wouldn't be happening. To be blunt, he's a crazy mother fucker with great energy. You just have to go next near to see what I mean.
Ethnic Food
Wonderful post with stunning images,. I appreciate you for this